Well Being
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Google Analytics is used to improve the functionality of this website. To opt out or learn more CLICK HEREAdvice on Talking to children about illness and dying
Talking to your child about Coronavirus
Advice and guidance on how to cope during the Covid-19 Lockdown
Advice on how to deal with arguments when they occur.
Emotional health and talking to children about Coronavirus and self-isolation
BCCS are available to school staff and other parents for support and consultation around your child’s anxiety/worries/presentation. Please feel to contact Catherine Munns (cmunns@bccs.org.uk) or Louise Picton (lpicton@bccs.org.uk) with any concerns or queries you may have. They’ll be happy to offer support and guidance to you around your child’s emotional wellbeing.
Helping children cope with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak
Books to share with your children
Changes – Anthony Browne
The Huge bag of worries – Virginia Ironside
Ruby’s Worry – Tom Percival
What to do when you worry too much – Dawn Huebner
Cosmic kids yoga and mindfulness YouTube - good videos that children can complete